As an independent insurance agent, you know that you need to set a high standard for yourself. Customers expect their insurance agent to provide good customer service and be honest, responsive and technically proficient. Your customers expect a lot from you, and you want to make sure you maintain your reputation by sending them to an auto body shop that matches the level of professionalism you set for yourself.
Here are a few common customer expectations, how to manage them and how to make sure you’re working with a collision center that matches your approach.
Be Knowledgeable
A working knowledge of common collision issues will help you better understand the steps involved in your customers’ repair process when they call. It’s also important that you’re recommending body shops that are knowledgeable and can give you and your customers a realistic expectation of the time, money and possible delays their repair might involve. By repeatedly working with and establishing a relationship with an auto body shop that meets these criteria, you’ll gain an understanding of the process and be better poised to answer your customers’ questions during their initial call.
Be Honest
It’s important for you to be honest with your customers about every aspect of their policy, and it’s important to refer them to a collision center where the technicians are honest about their work and process. Schaefer Autobody has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, is ASE accredited, has multiple OEM certifications, and an I-Car Gold certified collision center, a training achievement only held by the top 10% of auto body shops. In addition to these and other accreditations, Schaefer Autobody also offers dashboard updates for your customers and is diligent about updating them on the status of their vehicle at every major milestone in the repair process so they’re never in the dark about what’s happening to their vehicle at any point in their repair.
Be Reliable
Sending your customers to an auto body shop that does a shoddy repair reflects poorly on you. Your customers expect you to refer them to collision centers that they can rely on. At Schaefer Autobody, we guarantee structural and body repairs are performed according to original factory specifications-and we guarantee it for as long as your customer owns their vehicle.
Be Efficient
Above all else, your customers care about getting back on the road as soon as possible. To keep them happy, work with a shop that lets you give your customers top priority. At Schaefer Autobody, our online scheduling allows you to see repair estimates and get your customers’ repairs started before they hang up the phone. Eleven convenient locations, flexible hours, direct insurance billing, towing and rental car services make sure that your customers’ experience is as quick and convenient as possible.