We get a lot of questions from customers about difficult aspects of the auto body repair process. We’re afraid the buzz around the already unpleasant topic of having your car’s exterior repaired can be somewhat negative and the sticker shock, well, shocking.
That’s why we want to build a relationship with you, the customer, so that you can understand why we make the recommendations that we do when it comes to your auto body shop repairs, and why that is in your best interest.
Some common questions we receive include:
Why do you have to replace the entire windshield? Can’t you just repair it?
For small windshield cracks we will try our best to provide a repair as opposed to full replacement. However, when a windshield crack reaches more than about 3 inches in length, or has splintered out in numerous directions, it is in the interest of safety that a windshield must be replaced. These larger or oddly shaped cracks compromise the strength of the entire windshield, and if you were to happen to have another object come in contact with your windshield while driving, your entire windshield could give way.
Why can’t the auto body shop do a small touch up or match my paint color exactly?
As car manufacturers create their own standard paint colors for which they provide the formulation, the manufacturers of auto body paint must first attempt to make their own paints match the car manufacturers standard. As there are multiple paint manufacturers, finding an absolute match across them is not always entirely possible and you’ll always find subtle variations depending on the paint you use. That’s why in some instances your auto body repair shop will paint a larger section of your car than they are repairing. By doing this, they minimize the subtle color variations in paint across the car.
Do you really have to replace the entire panel?
Unfortunately, yes. Sometimes we really do have to replace an entire panel despite the fact the damage itself may be limited to a smaller area. Depending on the material of the panel we are working with, there are some materials that you can’t alter in part while maintaining the integrity of the body panel itself. This goes back to not only workability of the materials, but to your own safety. In any circumstance where providing a patch repair would lower the safety of that vehicle, we will choose your safety.
Are repairs near rust really not guaranteed?
As rust damages the underlying strength of your car’s body panel, and can be more widespread than you see or realize, we can’t always ensure that a repair to a rusted area will last. It may expand and in doing so it will make your car’s exterior weaker and less protective.
So you see, not all auto body repairs are simple. In fact, most are more complex than they appear to be. We use our knowledge and expert training to provide you with a level of service that doesn’t just meet the demands of appearance quality, but of your safety as well. We want to get your car back on the road, looking great and providing a safe environment for you and your family. That’s the difference when you choose Schaefer.
Get started on your repair by scheduling an estimate today.